Meeting Minutes – May 8, 2019

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Reiche Community Center

Officers present: Liz Parsons, Pamela Shaw, Kim Sutton
Officers absent:   Barb DeSerres, Leana Goode Simpson, Ian Jacob, Bryan Van Dussen, Gwynne Williams
Others present: Arlen Acize, Sarah Colton, Espahbad Dodd, Dominique Gabel, Landis Gabel, Peter Hall, Holly Hoffman, Christine McHale, Martha Parshley, Lin Parsons, Liz Parsons, Eleanor Prior, Amit Yaden

The meeting was called to order at 6:32 PM & self-introductions followed

Secretary’s report:

Minutes from the April 2019 meeting were posted late, thus will be voted on during the June meeting

Treasurer’s report:

Reflects the following pledges from the WENA General Fund unanimously approved by the WENA Board at the April meeting of the Board:

$500 pledged to Harbor View Park
$75 pledged to Clark St Garden
$75 pledged to Clark St Park

Norway Savings              $7,066.00
Paypal $173.00
Petty Cash                        $30.00
Less outstanding debits   $450.00 – two $75 checks for Clark St Gardens
plus $300 for Aaron Parker (Harbor View landscaping)

Total Available Funds $6,819.00

          Earmarks including Paypal money

                WECANAIP      $134.00
                Swim for Life     $3,177.00
                Harbor View        $484.00
                General fund     $2,995.00


Petty Cash     $30.00
Total Funds                        $6,819.00

Community Policing:

Sarah Colton reported that the Graffiti Program has started. Area under the bridge at Harbor View Park has been cleaned up & tent removed. Bike has been locked up at the park, possibly abandoned

Community Announcements:

  • Lyn Parsons updated members on the Maine Med expansion committee. MMC will be giving 30K to Neighborhood Associations, rules/application info TBD.   Possibility of $$ for Harbor View Park and Swim for Life program. Possible matching grant funds available from the City.
  • Espahbad Dodd shared Portland Climate Action “No Idling” postcards.
  • Pamela Shaw shared info on
    • The upcoming air quality forum and possible action about tank emissions affecting the West End, coming from the Global Energy holding tanks in South Portland
    • The Catherine Morrill 100th Anniversary celebration on June 1st at the Victoria Mansion, please join in the fun!
    • State Street Construction starting in May between Danforth and York Streets, on the even side.
    • Window Dressers community workshop in October 2019 – order your window inserts at
    • WENA Annual Picnic! August 14th 5:30 – 8:00. Food + Music + Community.  Call for volunteers…Contact Pamela Shaw
    • PERMABLITZ Day at Harbor View Park June 1st – Come join in the fun 9:30-3:00. Waterers needed throughout the summer – contact Pamela. Don’t want to dig in the dirt? Donations welcome! Even $5 will help buy plants.

Invited Guests:

Holly Hoffman, Eleanor Prior and Martha Parshley from St Luke’s Cathedral + St. Elizabeth’s Pantry talked about how St. Luke’s contributes to our community through the

  • Family Promise Program – helping New Mainers (and others) find housing.  There are volunteer opportunities available for overnights, cooking meals, setting up beds, doing laundry, etc.
  • St Elizabeth’s Pantry – Open on Tuesdays. New Mainers make up 85-90% of our neighbors going to the Pantry. Basic essentials are always needed: TP, soap, laundry detergent, clothing, housewares, pots + pans always needed (large stock pots especially!), winter boots and jackets/coats – all sizes. 200 neighbors visit each week.  Donations accepted Mondays and Tuesdays at 134 Park St.
  • In addition, there is a job search program, and a backpack program for new student essentials.  And a Diaper Bank on the first Tuesday of the month (in cooperation with the Jewish Community Alliance)

Councilor Spencer Thibodeau talked about the City Budget, and the proposed homeless shelter sites at Riverton and Angelo’s Acre (commercial St). for which there is an opportunity to give public comment at City Council meeting June 3rd 5:30 pm. Please attend the meeting or write the councilors (see

NEXT WENA MEETING:  June 12th, 2019   6:30-8:00 pm at Reiche Community Center

Kim Sutton, Secretary