WENA Meeting Minutes,
Wednesday, 4-10-19,
Reiche Community Room
Board members present: Leana Good-Simpson, Ian Jacob, Liz Parsons, Pamela Shaw, Kim Sutton, Bryan Van Dussen, Gwynne Williams
Board Members Absent: Christian Bisimwa, Barb DeSerres
Others present: Elissa Armstrong, Sarah Colton, Espahbad Dodd, Peter Hall, Mike Haefele, Christine McHale, Lin Parsons, Kent Redford
The meeting was called to order at 6:30 PM by Pamela Shaw. Self-introductions followed.
The resignation of Secretary Steve Mortimer was announced.
Secretary’s report: Minutes from the February meeting were distributed and approved as written.
Treasurer’s report:
Treasury report from Bryan Total $7,192
Swim 4 Life: $3,177
Harborview: Park $284
General Fund: $3,581
Petty Cash: $30
Community Policing:
Sarah Colton: Prostitution is back in the Walker St. area, also drinking and loitering in park. There are more homeless people in Harbor View Park.
Community Announcements:
- Bryan Van Dussen announced Clean-up day for the neighborhood April 13th, 10am – 2pm rain or shine: Gloves, bags, refreshments and maps will be provided. Place of distribution: Clark St at Reiche.
- Damon Yakovleff: Presentation about soil contamination in Maine, West End and advised garden planters about safe planting.(Raised gardens). Would like WENA to write letter of support . Looking for 60 hours of volunteering over 2yr period. Will be taken up at Board meeting.
- Bryan noted that we should check the soil in the community garden soil. He also reminded everyone of free compost at Riverside
- Elissa Armstrong said that Window Dressers needs volunteers to measure windows. Will require 20 hours over the next three months. Window Dressers workshop in October, place TBD.
- Gwynne gave a push for AAA driving class for seniors. Sign up online at AAA website.
- Lin Parsons talked about Maine Med development: They will run underground utility wiring by end of August; planning for parking structure next to Gilman St.; removed burned building; no immediate plans for site. Ian Jacob mentioned heated sidewalks at entrance at Congress St.
- Pamela Shaw talked about the meeting she attended with the Waterfront Alliance with a presentation from Jon Nass from the Maine Port Authority and including some information about the MPA’s plans to design and find a developer to build a cold storage warehouse at the site next to the IMT on Commercial St.
WENA Parks
- WENA plot at the Clark St. Community Garden: Gwynne said that the plot was productive last year, that WENA was able to partner well with the Locker Project and supply food from the plot for Reiche families in need.
- Clark Street Park: Liz talked about flowers, the herb garden and the need for signage explaining the herbs and flowers.
- Harbor View Park Project: Pamela said that they were happy that the Harborview project was under the WENA umbrella. She said that the winter was spent creating a base plan and a document presenting the park and its goal: to make the park a welcoming place for people and supply food.
- Summer plans include
- April 27 Work day, planting peaches, cherry trees and grafting pears, and staking out a meadow to leave unmown and plant with pollinator plants.
- June 1: Permablitz, with volunteers from the Resilience Hub.
- Needs for Harbor View: Shed, more trash bins
- Funding:
- Maine Med has some funding set aside for parks
- Leana will find out whom to contact at LL Bean.re donations
- Request for ideas for other improvements at Harbor View.
- Summer plans include
Meeting adjourned: 8pm
Minutes courtesy of Leana Good-Simpson.