Reiche Community Center
Officers present: Liz Parsons, Kim Sutton, Gwynne Williams, Ian Jacob, Pamela Shaw, Bryan Van Dussen, Barb DeSerres
Officers absent: Christian Bisimwa
Others present: Christine McHale, Pat Shutts, Andrew Butcher, Cheryl Anderson, Scott Tilson, Kent Redford, Steve Graef, Dick Stevens, Penny Stevens, Courtney Ramey, Barb Wood, Janet Mishoe, Dave Argitis
The meeting was called to order at 6:30 PM & self-introductions followed.
Secretary’s report:
Minutes from the Sept 2019 meeting passed with correction to Lin Parsons name (spelling).
Treasurer’s report:
October 2019
Available Funds by Source:
Norway Savings $6,837
Paypal $233
Petty Cash $30.00
Less outstanding debits $68.86 (USPS Post office box // Osher Membership)
Total Available Funds $7,031
Swim for Life $3,177
Harbor view $254
General fund $3,386
Petty Cash $30
Total Earmarks $7,032
Community Policing:
- Dave Argitis: As always, Don’t leave your cars unlocked…National Coffee with a Cop Day brings police officers and the community members they serve together–over coffee–to discuss issues and learn more about each other. (Always the 1st Wednesday of October – Oct 9, 2020 is the next event)
- Watch Dave on WGME:
Community Announcements:
- Andrew Butcher: Update on VOC emissions in South Portland
Smelling odors? “Smell Something, Say Something”
You can report it in a few different ways:
- Use to report incidents and map to your location
- Use the “See Click Fix” website or app for odor monitoring (or other complaints 😉 (It is currently allowing for comments around “sewer odors”) Please reach out to Jessica Grondin (Digital Services Manager) @ should you have questions about SeeClickFix.
- Advocate to your Portland representatives to incorporate airquality monitoring as a critical component of the City’s Climate plan and priorities. You can do so in their new survey
- sign up for more information
- Pamela – update on JB Brown building a Veterans Clinic on Commercial St (with parking garage and parking lot. There will be an update from Rosanne on the Cold Storage Building at the November meeting
- Winnie – The Halloween Parade will be the short route this year. If you would like to volunteer, please assemble at the Reiche School playground at 5:30. Donations are needed to pay for the police and permits. Donations accepted on the West End Halloween Parade Facebook page:
- Rosanne – Join the percussion group in the parade – wear black, white and/or orange, and you can borrow a noise maker for the parade
- Pamela – Harborview Park update: MECA students will be working at the park this fall, Oct 26th will be a work day at the park – come join the fun!
Invited Guests:
Kent Redford gave a talk on Urban Wildlife. Concerned with ecology, biodiversity, or large carnivores in your backyard (so to speak)? Kent presented a unique and thought-provoking analysis and synthesis of our domestic pets and urban wildlife.
Some snippets
House cats, and their impact on wild birds in our City.
Foxes find house cats quite tasty; and yes, foxes live in Portland.
The amount of birdseed sold in the United Kingdom is more than the amount of wild food available.
Buffets account for most of the food waste in the USA.
Books by Kent: Parks in Peril: People, Politics, and Protected Areas, Large Carnivores and the Conservation of Biodiversity, Neotropical Wildlife Use and Conservation.
Ian presented Penny & Dick Stevens with a card and well wishes for their next adventure in Tacoma Park, Washington.
Motion to dismiss, and meeting adjourned at 8:05pm
NEXT WENA MEETING: November 13th, 2019 6:30-8:00 pm at Reiche Community Center
Kim Sutton, Secretary