On September 23rd, as a kick-off to a year-long WENA initiative we’re calling, Join In, we aired...
WENA meeting minutes February 8, 2022. 6:30 pm on Zoom Present:...
WENA Monthly MeetingApril 14, 2021, 6:00pm. Zoom Present: Kim Sutton, Barbara DeSerres, Liz Persons, Pamela...
Reiche Community Center Officers present: Liz Parsons, Pamela ShawOfficers absent: Barb DeSerres, Kim Sutton, Gwynne...
WENA Meeting Minutes, Wednesday, 4-10-19, Reiche Community Room Board members present: Leana Good-Simpson, Ian Jacob,...
February 11, 2015 6:30-8:00PM Community Room, Reiche School 166 Brackett Street Call to Order Introductions...