WENA’s Bus Route Survey

Proposed Route:

Current Routes:

Please take our survey here: https://airtable.com/shrvtN0zNWu6Nxtk4



Resources re: METRO #1/#8 route reboot: What you can do


Also referred to as: The Peninsula Loop Reboot https://gpmetro.org/DocumentCenter/View/700/REV—Proposed-Route-Changes- REV-11242020?bidId=

Pages 1-4 in the above link address show the existing and proposed #1/#8 routes. You can see that in both the East End and West End, large areas in the heart of both neighborhoods have been identified to be cut from bus service.

Next steps: April – May 2021 : METRO staff will review and evaluate all input received through our community outreach. The next step in this process will be to coordinate another round of meetings with riders and stakeholders to present their proposed revisions to the major concerns expressed along with a final set of proposed route changes. The final step in the process will be to seek the approval of the final set of proposed changes from of Metro’s Board of Directors.

Talk directly with friends & neighbors about the issue of METRO redesigning the #1/#8 routes, bypassing the “heart” of both the East End, and West End, including no stops along West Street, at Maine Medical Center, nor at 100 State Street. Write to your local newspapers a short opinion piece/Letter to the Editor. A Goodsearch came up with these suggestions, in addition to including your name, phone, address, and email:

  • use a simple salutation
  • state the problem
  • say what you’d like to see happen
  • make a simple closing statement
  • be direct, succinct and respectful

Our primary local newspapers are as follows:

Press Herald: The link to the Press Herald takes you to a form you fill out to submit the letter via e-mail. Their limit is 250 words. https://www.pressherald.com/reader-services/letters-editor/

Portland Phoenix: Letters to the editor must be signed and should be no more than 200 words, with daytime phone number included for verification. We reserve the right to refuse publication, and to edit for length and clarity. Email letters to marian@portlandphoenix.me; deadline is noon Friday.

Portland Forecaster: All letters and guest columns must include the writer’s name, town of residence and a telephone number, for confirmation purposes. Letters and guest columns must be received by noon the Friday before publication. Letters to the editor must be limited to 300 words. Letters and guest columns should be emailed to editor@theforecaster.net.

West End News: mail to: The West End News, Attn: Editor, 795 Congress St., Portland, ME. 04102 or email to: thewestendnews@gmail.com Letters to the editor should be no more than 300 words. Include your name, neighborhood/town, and phone or email for confirmation. Deadline for publication will be April 21 for the May issue.

Mainer: contact Chris Busby at editor@mainernews.com, or call us at 207-252-8211 Mainer News Cooperative, PO Box 17765, Portland, ME. 04112

Up Portland: contact ted@upportland.com, or call 207-536-0922

Get Connected to West End Neighborhood Association (WENA): they’re at the heart of this effort. WENA, PO Box 7898, Portland, ME. 04112 www.WENAMaine.org

Contacts: Kim Sutton: hello@WENAmaine.org (WENA President) Gwynne Williams: gwynne88@yahoo.com (WENA Board Member) Rosanne Graef: rgraef@gwi.net (former WENA President)

COVID-19 Update: for the foreseeable future, WENA meetings will be held online via ZOOM, a video conferencing platform. Click here to join the reoccurring meetings: https://zoom.us/j/98478932446?

Contact METRO directly at: Greater Portland METRO, 114 Valley St., Portland, ME. 04102 Email: info@gpmetro.org Call: 207-774-0351

  • Gregory Jordan, General Manager: 207-517-3025
  • Glenn Fenton, Chief Transportation Officer: 207-517-3025
  • Denise Beck, Marketing Manager: 207-774-0351
  • Hope Cahan, President, Board of Directors: info@gpmetro.org or 207-747-5060

FYI Pious Ali, and Belinda Ray, board members, also sit on the City Council, City of Portland. Ray is also the Chair of the City of Portland Sustainability & Transportation Committee.

Contact the METRO Ridership Committee: Ed Suslovic, Chair – esuslovic@gmail.com Upcoming Ridership Committee meetings via Zoom on April 15, May 20 & June 17, 4- 5:30pm Link address: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86513660231? pwd=N3BraXBLSlVjQmsyUXNrMmNLTVZzZz09#success

Contact City of Portland Sustainability & Transportation Committee, City of Portland:

  • Belinda Ray, Chair: bsr@portlandmaine.gov or 207-671-4000
  • Andrew Zarro: azarro@portlandmaine.gov or 207-200-3467
  • Spencer Thibodeau: sthibodeau@portlandmaine.gov or 207-650-2147
  • Troy Moon (committee coordinator): thm@portlandmaine.gov or 207-756-8362

FYI Belinda Ray also sits on the METRO Board of Directors Upcoming S&T Committee Meetings on April 21, May 19 & June 16, 5:30- 7:30 pm Link address: http://www.portlandmaine.gov/586/Sustainability-Transportation-Committee

Document by James Fereira ThePortlandPalate@gmail.com